Ling: Lost In New York

By lostinny

Tristan Perich - One Bit Music

I didn't have my camera with me, but I attended the Blipfest, and basically, it's like a festival full of electronic music. Most of it is 1-8 bits, it's pretty much nintendo music. There was this one girl who had her gameboy up on stage and played on that to generate music.

People in this genre are usually more technically proficient in digital technology than they are in music, but because they are music lovers, it's an outlet for them. Although many bands at the festival do fuse real instruments with electronics. Tristan was one of them, he programs the music onto a microchip, and plays drums next to it.

It was pretty awesome cause for more of his set (he moved down from the stage), I was right up against his drum set. I was partly headbanging and holding down his kick drum from moving each time he kicks, cause he kicks hard.

P.S. this pic was from my camera phone.

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