
By Nigel

Rumours Of My Closure...

...were premature it seems. Jen thought that Sainsbury's had closed last Tuesday for a fortnight. It seems it is Tuesday the 19th, and for a week not a fortnight.

Ended up working all day. I though I was going to be contacted through the week with details of potential work but I never was. Got a call at midday asking what was happening and ended up spending most of the day in front of the PC and not getting enough of the things I had expected to be doing done, nece I went to bed at 3am and will be workign the majority of tomorrow too. Still assuming I ghet paid what I expect it will be worth it, though the company is very good at piling up the requests and not so good at taiking about payment. I think there might be more down the line though and I'm sure if I let them know that further work won't be undertaken until I am paid for this weekend (and last weekend come to think of it) I'msure that'll get the ball rolling.

Prior to all that I did manage to start cleaning up some of the code on my own wordpress theme and adding in some HTML 5 structural tags like <article> and <section> and will hopefully move on to <nav>,<header>,<foot> and <aside> tomorrow.

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