Today's the day

By sheilwill

One Hundred

Today's the day ....................... for my 100th blip!

Goodness me!  Can this really be my 100th blip?  

And what exactly is it anyway, I hear you say?  Well - it's a solar-powered lamp and charger ..... but more importantly, it was chosen as the 100th object in Neil MacGregor's long-running series on Radio 4 - The History of the World in 100 Objects.  Neil MacGregor is the Director of the British Museum and he has used the 100 man-made objects to tell the story of humanity through two thousand years.  The lamp was chosen as the final object because it was thought to convey the final chapter best.  It shows a route forward with technology that can bring us electricity from more sustainable, less polluting sources.

I've really enjoyed this series and I think it's a brilliant way to learn about history ........ just as I think that using a photograph to tell or illustrate a day in the life of someone is brilliant.  The combination of a picture and a story takes you to a little world all of its own.

Having been a blipper for 100 days, I can tell you what's in flower now in New Zealand, how the Tuscany olive harvest is progressing and what's happening on the streets of Prague.  I've had my attention drawn to places very local to me that I never knew existed and I'm getting much better at identifying birds, insects and plants.  I've been made to laugh on a daily basis and I've shared in sad, exciting and moving times of blip 'friends'.  Just as they have shared in mine.

So this one is for Tiree who introduced me to Blipworld and whose own blips are a never-failing source of inspiration and delight.  My first 100 have been such good fun.  

Here goes for the next ..........    

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