Ruby's travels

By Roobz

Here Deer...

Today we visted Nara to see Todai-Ji (the largest wooden structure in the world) and it's Daibutsu (the largest bronze Buddha in the world at 50ft tall). It was AMAZING! I was lost for any words other than 'wow', which I repeated over and over again. If you're planning a trip to Japan you must see this. I tried to take a photo of it to show how immense it was, but it just wasn't possible to capture the true intensity of it. By far the best thing I've seen during my time here.

To get there, we had to walk through Nara-Koen; a large park which is home to 1200 (extremely friendly) deer. Swarms of them would waltz right up to you to sniff out any deer biscuits you might be hiding. One even tried to steal my ice-cream!

This little one had obviously just popped to the market for a bit for a spot of shopping.

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