Let's Learn Judo, with Vladimir Putin

Catedra Arte de Conducta

Perhaps not the most spectacular shot I've ever posted here, nor indeed is it the most arresting of art installations. But it just made me laugh. The fact that Vladimir Putin released a judo instruction DVD a couple of years ago is, I confess, an event that passed me by. Happily, however, it wasn't missed by the madness that is the mind of Tania Bruguera.

Its dead simple - find an empty space (1st floor of the old Rapid building will do). Paint red lines on the floor to make it resemble a judo mat. Get 4 x TVs and 4 X DVD players. Run the thing continuously, but not in sync on each TV, so they're each showing a different part of the film at any given time. Sit back. Watch the bemused looks on the faces of visitors.

Brilliant. And I love it. Art? Who cares. Its simply an inspired piece of social observation.

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