John Van de Graaff

By VandeGraaff

Doggie Bags (4) from Joe's

Joe's Cafe is a hugely popular eating place in Northampton around the corner from our former condo (here's a blip from April). The food is not exactly haute cuisine, but the portions are obviously generous--a distinct majority of the patrons emerge with a doggie bag (they are very common in the U.S.).* Here the two men are each carrying two.

*The Wikipedia article on Leftovers notes that "In Australia legislation is being introduced to ban restaurants from handing out doggie bags as it may be unsafe for human consumption if the food is not kept at proper temperatures."

Edit: At the end of the afternoon we attended a concert, "Voices for Jane", organized to raise funds for Jane Hanson, a voice teacher at the Northampton Community Music Center who is ill with viral encephalitis. It was incredibly joyous and uplifting, despite the occasion, with wonderful local performers.

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