
By worldlens

Welcome to the World

We congratulated two proud parents today and welcomed a new little girl into our family. Our goats gave birth to this beautiful creature. It was quite the process, and I feel a little bad to admit that Mom had an audience the whole time.

It began with loud baying (is that the sound goats make?) and Dad standing guard at the entrance to the goat hut. After what seemed like a long time, some of my Thai friends decided to help. One person was in charge of keeping Dad from ramming the other person who was trying to help Mom. Soon my friend helped Mom to her feet, and we saw a leg sticking out, not much longer after that, this brown and white little girl was laying on the ground. Mom laid down to rest, and Dad wondered around proudly. A few minutes later, our new little friend was trying to stand up. In this picture she is about 3 minutes old.

If the occasions present themselves, you'll see more of our new friend soon. :)

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