
By Chook

Who let the nuns out?*

Back in the country 24hrs now.
Brain definitely not back yet though.
Feel foul today.
Jet lag ++ despite sleeping well last night**.
First day of a two-day course.
Subject material somewhat dry.
Definitely a test of my stay-awake abilities.
J is at a work dinner tonight.
I've made*** myself a toasted sandwich.
Will be asleep as soon as it hits my belly....
Back blips will have to wait.

Edit: Got one-starred. Yesssss!

*To be sung Baha Men-style. This was the only shot I took today. "Tis rather a topical blip, now we have an Australian saint and all...
**Although I did have rather strange dreams, including one involving tearing up leather jackets with Billy Connolly.
***Actually mangled is probably more correct.

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