Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly


5 shots (of local anesthesia for the dentist to be able to remove my wisdom tooth)
5 stitches (to sow me back up again when it was finished)
10 pieces (is what my tooth was broken/drilled into for the dentist to be able to remove it)
400 mg (of ibuprofene to counter the fact that the local anaesthesia will wear off soon)
500 blips (yay me!)
1000 mg (of paracetamol to further the painkilling)
...and a million thanks to Joe and the crew, to all my subscribers, to everyone that takes their time to leave a comment now and then and to anyone who find my blips are view-worthy :) Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!

(Now I'm off to the couch to wait for the local anaesthesia to wear off... not really looking forward to that part!)

(I have used this view for blipping a couple of times in the past...)

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