Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Homeward Bound

so Dad did I tell you that Niamh fell over today and this bag is heavy and maybe Niamh broke her arm or spleen or something Hey! look at the size of that tractor! and we are going kayaking tomorrow so dont forget to collect me at half four not quarter to three Remember? and the President is coming to school next week Are you taking the pictures? bet you are not Mick or Nigel cos you are official and she will see my project ATCHOO! God bless me and we need a new balloon for the project cos the hairspray didnt work on the last one and HIYA ANNA! and so if you are NO, ANNA< THE BLUE ONE SEE YOU TOMORROW and how is the kitten? Look we are at the pet shop NO DADDY it is not a COINCIDENCE that the PET SHOP is right beside the CHINESE TAKEAWAY I dont know what you are talking about oooo look at the parrot he says dirty words worse than you do whats for lunch? and maybe sausages with sweetcorn gravy for dinner? oh ok, any post? ah well just junk I have only one little bit of homework to finish this bag is really heavy oh Hello Kitty! yes daddy right now may i have a drink and........

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