
By youngniks

Haunted window

Mad day at work ... too much to do and too little time. Went into a meeting just after 12 and next thing I knew it was almost 4pm, I hadn't got any work done and hadn't eaten.

When I finally get home the house is freezing and feels very empty after all the comings and goings of last week. Nice to have a bit of peace and hopefully an early night ... it won't be like this for long!

My internet connection is playing up again and I've also gone and left my laptop power cable at Jules' so trying to make this brief so as to save power!

Not sure why I'm in a spooky mood ... practicing for Halloween perhaps or just practicing how to take longer exposures now I know how!

Not sure why but Blip won't show me what I've uploaded once I get to the preview stage ... can't select the bit of the photo to be displayed either. Very odd!?

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