New Day

By NewDay

Hurma from the street market

Hurma - this is the name we use for this fruit, certainly not a Russian word. it probably came to us from the Caucases, where they grow these fruits. It this time of the year when in early mornings you go to work, it's dark, it drizzles or snows or both and then you see these cheerfull sweet fruits on stalls along street markets, very often they are peeking from under the snow (a bit of frost makes them sweeter) and life gets better (especially if you have a minute to buy them). these three came from the market opposite ND Jr school after i took him there in the morning. he does school on Saturdays, poor kid, it's still two hours before he finishes, i washed them to wait when he comes back home.

PS different dictionaris give be differnt names for this - Zue's-Weat, persimmon, possumwood

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