
By allfiredup


The room on the left was totally burnt out.
As seen by the broken window and the black mark up the internal door, the fire was about to progress into this room, where you can see tin of flamable liquids.
Had it caught onto this who knows how bad it would have been.
As it was there was more than a dozen people who suffered minor smoke irritation, half of them went to hospital to be fully checked out.
This time they should all be back here tomorrow. the two rooms will be boarded up for a couple of months, until repaired, before being used again.
Work will resume almost as normal.
Had the building been fully destroyed, then this worksight would be lost, the workers might lose their jobs, their home life can suffer with out an income.
then the flow on effect, of suppliers, purchasers, and even the local lunch shop that would miss 20 or 30 orders a day.

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