Backwards and forwards...

Tuesdays are always a pain as Breeze has after school club, so the school day ends with me picking Amethyst up then travelling home to drop her off before about turning to collect Breeze. To most people at the school this journey is only a few minutes, or even ten at most. No, not us.... fifteen minute quick march through rain, hail or shine!

Not that I'm complaining generally, the walk is good for us all, but if you had just come back from helping the school out on a trip to a local church with a bunch of 5 to 7 year olds... well putting your feet up is the only thing you can think of!

Add to this our dog is feeling under the weather again due to eating something that disagrees with her. And Breeze is demanding everything under the sun....

Can't wait till the kids are in bed ;)

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