Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok


As it's now autumn and dark and wet remember to use bikelights and reflectors everybody!

This morning when left to bike my daily commute to work my old led-light broke and lost its power in the middle of the ride. I guess it has gotten wet too many times as could not see any visible damage in it and batteries were fine. Have to take closer look when have time or then just buy a new one (which is not very environmentally conscious thing to do always buy new), in the meantime will borrow Mrs.Mroks led-light.

Todays blip shows a bike I got as a birthday present from my mother-in-law. The bike is made of steel with wooden grips, saddle and tires and it is approx. 30cms tall. It was quite funny to see it was actually fixed gear one as my mother-in-law has some years ago expressed her feelings about those machines that tear your flesh out of the bone ;)

Back in the days Alanis Morrisette also expressed the same in one of her hit songs.

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out

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