Zone Tracy

By zonetracy

Honking and Whirling

On Sunday, Honey and I did make it to the Pumpkin Patch by ourselves... Riley's family couldn't make it. We went into the market early because the hay rides out to the pumpkin fields weren't running yet. We got some brussel sprouts, cherry tomatoes, a cucumber, and peaches and cream corn on the cob. As we were walking back to put our groceries in the car we saw all these geese honking and circling around a field. It was the strangest thing and many bystanders thought the same. I started clicking away because I didn't think I would ever see something like it again. And, while I had many Pumpkin Patch photos from today I thought I would share the honking and whirling geese.


Thought for the day... why does the Google spell checker not have a problem with whirling but doesn't know the word brussel?

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