My Angle

By myangle

A paid job

1/200th sec, f13, 200ISO, 85mm lens, Canon 350D

I had a paying job to do this morning. Photograph a horse. Well, sort of paid. Jo is working out some sort of contra deal with the nice lady who looks after our pets when we are away. I decided to stay out of the financials and just take the photos.
I liked this photo the best. The only problem was that his mouth was open and his tongue was out. 15 minutes in Photoshop and hopefully no-one can tell that he has had a bit of cosmetic enhancement.

There is truth in the saying: Never work with childen and animals. Animals must be worse. How do you tell a horse to keep its head still? Out of 60 or so images I managed the get 5 or 6 usable ones. I think that is doing well! He was a beautiful animal although he was a bit high strung. That's horses for you.

The net result was that I had a ready made blip at 9 am this morning.

Other horsey blips:
Alan James Ross

That was the start of a busy day. Mowing our lawn, mowing dads lawn, getting my bike running, and yes, I managed to fit in a half hour snooze. Somehow I also fitted it a the time to cook up a big pot of potato and leek soup for Jo's Dad. We have noticed he is having trouble eating solid food with his dentures so I am going to make some easy to eat meals for him. It's great cooking food up in bulk. The savings are enormous.

My bike?

Well, after re-assembling the carby and re-fitting it I took it for a quick ride. It went well. Later this afternoon I took it for a longer ride and was very please with the way it went. My intention is to ride it every day for 2 weeks. If it doesn't show any symptoms of its previous problem after 2 weeks then I will put it up for sale. The proceeds from that will go into the boat fund (more about that another time).

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