The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Sunshine after the rain

Or rather moonlight after ther snow. Yes October isn't even out and we have had first snow fall. It wasn't much and it didn't really lie for long but it was cold and white and it fell from the sky so it counts. It has been utterly baltic all day (not getting above 3 degrees) and so am very jealous of all you people who jetted off to sunny foreign theme parks for the October break.

Spent the afternoon at Playzone in Inverness which the kids enjoyed immensely. The adults however all sit there with the same grim expression on their face just willing the kids to get tired before the headache really kicks in. By the time some have beeen there for half an hour you can actually see the hope in their eyes when their child comes back crying that the injury may be serious enough to warrant a trip to casualty and an early finish to the hell that is soft play.

After that it was home for dinner. The neighbours came round for a few beers and some pizza but it ended far earlier than usual as Abigail has to be at the hospital at 8am tomorrow to get her gromets in. She is rather laid back about it (her main concern being the enforced lack of breakfast), I however am rather stressed about the whole thing. Will be very glad when it is all over and done with and we can find out just how much of her deafness is selective.

This is a bit of a last minute photo taken just outside the house. The moon (obviously) and what I think is the north star (but could be something entirely different).

Have just been told it is actually Jupiter not the north star. Oops.

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