Displacement activities

By Detritus


Lilly, wishing I would be quiet whilst she tries to listen to something.

These woods are close to our home, but we rarely visit, as they're a bit too small for Lilly to have a proper run. However, today I am home, courtesy of feeling horrid with a cold and headache, so I thought I would take her out earlier, to see if fresh air would make me feel better (on top of the paracetamol). The woods appealed as they allowed me some sunlight but shielded me from the icy wind we're getting here.

Lilly is, and always has been a family pet. She has never been trained as a gun dog, but she does have that internal imperative that leads her to hunt, point and retrieve. She is prone to moments of lunacy, like most dogs, but she remains a fantastic companion to our whole family, and overall, impressively intelligent. And she's now snoring.

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