Enjoying film photography

By shchow

Blip done by a 2 years old kiddo

Been a long week for me. Absent from blip for a short while. I have shot some rolls of film. Will blip them when ready.

Today's blip is done by my 2yrs old son. I was chatting with a friend while baby sitting him. I gave him my iPhone to toy with when he was getting bored sitting on my lap. I did not notice then, but he actually took a pic with my phone. I got home and saw this pic and find it to be quite interesting. Decided to share it with you all.

iPhone indeed has changed many things in our life. Picture snapping and sharing has never been so easy before.

p/s: don't ask me why I still do film. I don't really have an answer. I just enjoyed it very much.


Have a great weekend.

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