Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Berwick Law

A few years ago when I lived up north I bought a tape from a charity shop of La Traviata highlights, which I threw into the car and never listened to.
Today I came across it in a search as I was driving along to North Berwick (all my radio stations are lost at present due to me fiddling with tuning).
I flicked open the case and slotted it into the tape machine. The Prelude blasted out, and then I was completely taken aback when I heard the lyrics sung in English, something about being happy. I've never heard a translation before and it just didn't sound right, ridiculous more like.

I was invited with Donald and Dave to watch a rehearsal of Ailie Cohens 'Cloud Man'. It was absolutely magical, so very well done with great humour and warmth and was so moving. I now sooo want a 'cloud man'.

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