
By spitzimixi


Anyone who has known me for more than a year will know that I spend most of the winter complaining about, well, winter. Mainly because it's cold and dark and, secondly, because it's cold and dark. By about January my mojo seems to have gone for a long hike and I tend to look a bit grey round the edges and the ends of my fingers and toes have started falling off. But, this year, I have made a resolution. I am going to ENJOY winter because winter is NICE. I can blip lots of exciting wintery things like the sun rising really damn late over a frosty field. OOOOH, how lovely it is!
However, my brain isn't playing ball and keeps harping on about Caribbean islands, long drinks at sunset, bikinis, sarongs, scantily clad young men, fish cooking over a barbecue, a band playing Duke Ellington in the background, a pile of good books to read...
But really, I am ENJOYING being wrapped up warm against the icy winds, bangers and mash for tea and the nights closing in. Really, I am. That's why I choose to live in a country that does serious winter for months on end and why I really would never want to live somewhere where it's sunny all the time. Honest.
*dons headphones for some Mood Indigo and thanks the Great Nothingness that at least some things aren't seasonal*

technical p.s.I can't decide if I like those light blobs or not - please tell me why they are there and how one avoids them.
p.p.s I've jsut decided that I prefer a different version of this but don't want to change my blip so I've bunged it on flickr

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