The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal

Being helped without knowing

Interesting day this was. Started with a great photoshoor with Monique, the daily head of our bird centre. The bird here was one of the subjects, but the true star of the show was of course Monique. So the vast majority of photos featured her, but I think she wouldn't really have liked to appear on here (didn't ask btw). So here is one of few without her.
The photo shoot was homework for my photography course. The topic of this homework was a portrait series of someone in his/her working environment. It turned out to be a very satisfying series, although I did realize that actual portraits are somewhat missing, since she didn't really pose on any of the photos...

The rest of the day was interesting too, with a ride in the cool new car of my sister-in-law, and a not-so-cool email from someone else. Trying not to let it spoil my night, but it's difficult....

Close-up of a gull's foot

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