
By appertunity

Our city is dying and so are we!

Bradford city center is dying as out of town shopping arcades & supermarkets take business away from the city center.


Sometime ago the council thought a set of out of town shopping hangars in front of a huge car park would be a good thing.

Unfortunately they were right about it being popular but not farsighted enough to see the consequences!

We are now a nation so fat & lazy we can't be bothered to walk round the city center & would rather drive anywhere than walk. & actually have to carry things!

Crippled by financial debt, told we are worthless by a media intent on feeding us images of beautiful slim consumer robots & emotionally immature (there is no prince or princess charming just pick someone & love them all you can) we seek solace in our food!

Thus Jamie Oliver picked Bradford as one of his ministry of food locations.

No lie Bradford once had a pound fast food shop! That's right every deep fried thing you can think of for a pound!

I despair of humanity at times!

As a species we need to grow up or the planet will kill us off and start again!

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