the animals went in.....

12 months + 2 days

Katie's playing with one of her presents, a Fisher Price ark with animals. Taking out and putting in is one of her favourite games, with anything, and she has also discovered she can push it along (it has wheels).

We went to see a friend this morning, we had a coffee, and a wander round. I'd decided we needed a mummy and katie afternoon, so that's what we did. She had decided similar too tho, to the extent that she wouldn't have a nap without mummy, which is unusual for Katie. So we both snuggled on my bed and dozed on and off for two hours! A wonderful saturday afternoon!

We did some more present opening, I've just left the unopened presents on the floor, so when she is so-inclined, she wanders over and tears one open! We have three left and then she is all done! She had a couple of new bath toys so she was keen to stay in the bath even longer than normal today.

I think we're pretty much over the tummy bug, she's back eating really well, had good meals and snacks. Thank goodness - the nappy budget didn't know what had hit it!

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