
I had lots of plan for today. However...

The sink in the kitchen that had in truth been running a little slow for the last few days decided to stop draining at all this morning. And just as the washing machine reached the spin-cycle and was trying to empty itself down the same blocked pipe. Not pretty.

So I had a day of plunging, stuffing rods down drains, crawling under the house whacking pipes and pouring caustic gloopy stuff down the sink.

It's kinda working now, but is still a bit slow. More gloopy stuff and perhaps a call to a plumber is in order.

Meanwhile Cambo is staying this weekend. Mainly because Scott is here. He's off to bed now, but I'm not sure he'll be sleeping for a while. Someone said it would be OK for him to jump himself silly on the bed for an hour before going to bed.

//Edit: Blackness backblip for yesterday.

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