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By LovePopcorn

Pumpkin Squash Blossom Visitors

Blipped at Bates Nut Farm in Escondido, California.
HUGE pumpkin patches! Pumpkins and squash of all different types and sizes, petting corral, farm animals to feed, birds of different feathers (Emu, Turkey, Geese, Ducks, Chickens, Quail, African Jungle Fowl), Horses in corrals, Hayrides, nuts and candies, food vendors and LOTS of people milling around, helping the kiddies pick out pumpkins, using the wheelbarrows to tote all to the car - a photographer's DREAM location for any kind of blip wanted - animal, vegetable, mineral, people.

SIGH! But which one to choose? THAT is the million dollar question!

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