My Year in Pictures

By jenny

Hanging by a thread ....

Lots of rain overnight and now a beautiful morning here - blue sky and sunshine - and lots of water droplets glinting in the sun!

Several to choose from:
Drops 1
Drops 2
Drops 3
Drops 4
Drops 5

But I loved this single one best.

PS. Someone was a cheeky monkey as he surveyed his land this morning!

A lot of people have asked how this was done - and I'd love to say xyz followed by abc and get all technical!
However as you can see by my bio and my camera, I'm not a professional and it was a bit of a fluke!
The webs were beautiful and laden with water droplets, so I got the camera stuck into the bush as close as I could (couldn't figure out how to get the tripod set up to get in close enough) and just took snapped away trying to get the drops in focus.
Reviewing them on the laptop, I was amazed at what happened when I zoomed in on the "in-focus" drops - a whole new world of reflections and gossamer webs.
So quite simply it's cropping!

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