Tara's Life

By tarahillebrandt

Feeding the Ducks

Today we went to Stover country park, after the fun filled night last evening of the carnival and the fun fair!

I was going to blip a photo of the scary ride last night from the fair - only when I realised it was 12.30! Oh well nevermind!

Jake loved the rides but i wasn't so sure! Unfortunately, Daddy went home to put the sausage rolls on and I was left to cope badly with the rides.

We had some leftover bread from the last 2 weeks so we decided as it was a gorgeous sunny day we'd take the children to feed the ducks - and swans!!!

Jake loved it!

Typically, the very first duck we saw was poorly - not from fishing line or anything but just had a tumour on the side of her neck so she seemed to find it difficult to balance and eat, spending more time on land than in the water.

We ALWAYS find the poorly animals - or should I say they find us!!! I think our vibes tell them that we're soft touches and that we'd help if we could!

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