pictures wot i took

By antlersandall


The baby is growing up. *Sniff*

First night in his new bed in big bro's room. It'll be odd not hearing him snoring all night! Son One was asking what would happen if he woke in the night - in our incredibly supportive way, TPD and I answered in unison "That's your problem!" ;-)

The reality is I shall barely sleep a wink and will probably end up on the floor in there myself. Can't let go that easily ;-)

This tops off a fab fun day of church, delicious lunch then going out to Stony Cross for the afternoon for Son One to ride his bike (he's *almost* completely cracked it without stabilisers) and firing bottle rockets (to think I used to complain when TPD brought his work home with him!). TPD went off out to preach and lead the service at church tonight, leaving us 3 free to engage in Top Secret activities (TPD's birthday tomorrow..) before bathtime and then stories on Son Two's new bed.

Wish us luck!

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