
By Poppy


Yesterday morning there was a rat sized hole in the hen house door. The rat has been in evidence for the last week or so but I was hoping that the three cats between them would be able to dispatch him. (We have a fourth cat, Dottie, but she is a pedigree Persian and does not deign to go outside unless it is a warm sunny day!) Anyway, back to the rat - the cats are concentrating their hunting efforts on rabbits and tiny voles, so I have gone against my better judgement and bought some poison. I've hidden it in as safe a container as I can manage and hope it is hen and cat proof. No sign of it being touched last night or today so I wait and hope.

Today has been a horrid day, dark and overcast with heavy showers, and it hardly got light all day. Tonight I came out of a meeting and there was the moon, shining brighter than the sun had managed all day.

Have to have a small operation on my eyes tomorrow so don't know whether I'll be able to blip afterwards. Stupidly it was not one of the questions I asked the surgeon! Will have to wait and see (if I can see!).

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