My Aim is True


Doughnuts like fanny's

No matter how I tried with this blip, it was never going to be any better. Black and white - nope. warmify- nope, I'm feeling lucky - no I wasn't. So this is it. I only took 3 blips today and they were all of this scene. And this was the best. So there you go, Ramsay Gardens, which is named after the TV chef and celebratory sweary-man Gordon Ramsay.

However I have some exciting news. I have spotted what I think could be a great blip. So I may try to blip it tomorrow. ( Sigh, if only I had a big fancy camera........and a big tripod.......and some photographic knowledge.......oh well.)

In other news I did some cooking tonight. Why is it that the dishes that I improvise and the old faithfuls turn out fine. Yet when I try a new one, it's just not that good. I blame that new fangled internet thingy. There's loads of recipes on it, but it's not the same as your mate telling you that they've a tried and tested dish and they give you the instructions on the back of an envelope.

Maybe if I persevere , then one day my doughnuts will turn out like Fanny's

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