Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Desperately Seeking Color

The long spell of sunny weather was shattered by the first storm of the season, starting Saturday night. We drove down to Bellevue on Sunday through successive bouts of heavy rain to see the grandchildren. I thought I was going to wear out the windshield wiper controls, using all the options, and changing every few minutes -- continuous, intermittent (with varying intervals), off, on again -- repeated in different sequences. It was a bit like change ringing in a church belfry. It helped to pass the time. We were also entertained by the crazy lane changing and tail-gating of the Sunday drivers.

It rained most of today, and I was sorely in need of some color to overcome the gloom of the late afternoon. I didn't have to look further than the planter on the front porch railing.

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