
By fancyfootwork

WOW. hello again...

It has been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to long. The last blip was on the 14th of may. What a shame, what a shame.

a lot has been going on in my live,
graduation, prom, 3 weeks of volunteering in Nepal, two weeks of nothing in Italy, moving to Boxtel for my school, 1982379897 new haircolours, and some crappy, sad other things with friends.

But, despite all those crappy and sad things, I will NEVER forget those memories I have with my friends, all the laughing, the crying (yesyes, sometimes) and, all the super duper ideas, shout-out's, actions and ridiculous things we did and have been trough.

And now, while my school is taking almost everything of my spare time and energy, i'm starting again with blip. Wish me luck. And, to begin with an AWFUL photo of me. Yeeey.
Anyways, here's to blip!


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