
By lexicon

Face of the Devil

It snowed here today. It snowed a significant amount. It also blew here today, hard enough to plaster the snow onto your eyebrows. They say it was only minus 8 with the wind but after a beautiful fall it seemed colder than that. What does one do on a day so miserable you may ask? Well, if you're me you go home and make a nice hot supper.

Lemon thyme chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli. Homemade apple pie to finish. All went well, the broccoli steamed, the potatoes mashed and the chicken browned up nicely under the broiler. Then all hell broke loose. Upon opening the oven door a cheerful cloud of smoke wished by me and headed straight for the smoke detector. No biggie right? Pull out the battery and continue on your way. Wrong. This house is too smart for me, the smoke detector is wired into the house power along with having a battery which means that it's ALWAYS on.

As I strategically located our only fan to dissipate the smoke, J fanned his heart out trying to turn the thing off. Three alarm episodes later, windows wide open to the cold, we sat down to what would have been a perfect supper. None of the food was burnt, it just wasn't as warm by the time we sat down as it could have been.

Next time I'm making kraft dinner.

Lemon Thyme Chicken
1/4 cup olive oil
2tbsp lemon juice
1tbsp thyme
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp salt

Mix all ingredients. Marinate 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts overnight. Bake under broiler (if you dare) for 10 minutes. Flip. Broil additional 15 minutes or until done.
*you can make a bit of extra marinade and baste the top of the chicken breasts after you flip them for extra flavour.

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