
By SimonC

special moments

well not this blip per se but the photograph, I took this of Karin and Tom back in the very early 90's, Zorki 4k rangefinder I think or might have been a Leica M3 not that it matters really. I printed it in the kitchen late one night with the towels blocking the moonlight through the curtains and although its technically not brilliant and was a bugger to print, it remains Karin's most favourite image of her and Tom. Him and her running through the trees and laughing.

Its in the woods above our house and had blip been around then would have been a blip that day, a wonderful walk and Tom running through the woods with backlighting and crisp cold air.

sadly this photograph is the last one as the negative has been lost and just the one late night kitchen darkroom print is here, so I will copy it well and archive it but it was a moment tonight to find it hidden away with all my old uni images.


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