Jax and co.

By indusriver

the new generation...

Is this photo from today or of a young boy thirty / forty / fifty years ago?

My son has recently picked up the Secret Seven series as I did and his Grandmother did so many moons past.

I have to admit that seeing my children read gives me so much joy - I remember the 'other worlds' that I once inhabited, the 'other people' I once met and the 'adventures' that I once shared.

Now my books seem to be the 'self help' variety be it photography (needed!), cooking (useful), dealing with children (a struggle) or business (important) - with my joy of fiction somewhat under represented.

Then again like my children once I am hooked into a good story there is nothing else and that just wouldn't be very practical with mouths to feed, proposals to write and deadlines to adhere to now would it!

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