pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

Birthday boy the younger!

Son Two is one today!! :-O How did that happen?!

He's opened most of his presents (with a bit lot of assistance from a very excited Son One), but is still preferring to play with the airer and the dehumidifier..

We're off in a bit for a few days in the Shropshire countryside, gathering of the clans! There'll be around 20 of us this evening for cake and birthday tea, and I suspect just a *few* more presents ;-)

TPD & I had the best present of all though - Pea had his last feed at 8 last night and didn't wake up until 6.35 this morning!! :-O First time ever, long may it continue!

Right, best get on with the playing packing, see you in a few days Blipland!

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