La vida de Annie

By Annie

Power nap

At times I feel quite guilty about dragging Enya out here, although she did need a break after all the wedding shennanigans, and was as pleased as I to take advantage of rediculously cheap flights - would YOU pass up return flights to somewhere nice for £3.98 + taxes, and free accomodation? So you see why we just HAD to come. Unfortunately the poor gal has been ill from the first day there, though putting a brave face on it and creating some lovely blips of our stay. I didn't get off completely Scot free however, as on the first trip to the lighthouse, having scrambled over loose rocks for an hour unscathed I managed to have a dizzy turn and fall off a 3-foot high wall, bashing my knee, hand and elbow in a successful attempt to protect the camera while shouting "Shit!", to the puzzlement of a German couple, who watched while I lay there sending out mental messages to my limbs to see if anything was broken, then shrugged and walked away. I should have shouted "Scheisse" instead.

Despite our respective ailments and injuries I think we both enjoyed our mini-adventure on the little island, and I do hope my friend feels much better soon.

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