The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox

Catching leaves

Just me being me :)

Little bit odd, outdoors, having a laugh !!

More essays done today, plus a really interesting session in the labs, washing, then measuring 50 rocks... on 3 axis', and writing down what they were made of along with other 'interesting' observations, like how round they were. Brilliant, I love geography! Tee hee!

Took a walk through the grave yard to watch the sunset. Pondered life for a while and decided I needed to be a bit more thankful for the wonderful life I have. Too often it's easy to get stuck over the little things that get you down, and it feels better to concentrate on and remind yourself of the big brilliant things that make you happy and warm inside :)

Just some idle thoughts...

Anyway, bit more referencing then bed! Other photos from today can be found here.

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