
By fancyfootwork

What a coincidence! What a relieve!

Yesterday, i was talking about the birds and stuff, that they maybe moved on to another place.

Yesterday evening, I broke all contact with my ex. FINALLY! It just went like, BAM! He really crossed the line!
He already hurt me very badly, by saying that our relationship was over, while I was still madly in love with him, but I don't wanted to lose him, so I kept contact. I've been trough an awful time, got stuck in my misery, while he was just living his life.
But now, I feel free! What a relieve! I haven't been this happy in such a long time! I'm glad that I found the strength to do this, he can go and die, pathetic little boy.
So, yes, time to move on! I won't look back, never again. I've got a life to live now!
HOOOOOO. I'm proud of myself. But, allright.

I went to Maastricht this morning, beautiful city! Needed some textile for a sweater, had a lovely chat with the lady who sold it to me. And, while I was walking around, totally happy with the textile I found, I saw this cute little, recycle-store thingy, so, I waited 'till it was open, and got in. Found myself this movie about The Beatles, totally awesome, but didn't bought it though. Saving up my money for Paris!
have nice day!


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