Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Another Reflection

Here's another reflection to go with yesterday's blip. Months ago, I started a 'Bridge Series' and realized today while driving downtown with our family that I haven't added to it for quite a while. I love photographing bridges for the interesting perspectives, angles, textures and materials. What added to today's mini photo session was the gorgeous sky above and the glassy river water catching the reflection of the bridge and our city's expansive shipping yard.

I love reflections and I love bridges.....and I do love today's blip.

So on that note, over and out blippers/readers, after painting our ceilings today, we are moving on to the walls this evening. We finally finalized our main color after several trips to and from the paint store for samples. And we were just starting to feel a bit defeated about the final selection when our good friends stopped by and suggested the exact color hue that made us both stop and say, "ohmygosh, YES!!!!" I then proclaimed that it was fate that made them stop by because if they hadn't have stopped by, we would have still been going back and forth with samples. So we bought a five gallon jug of it a half an hour later and there is no turning back now.

Thank you P & S for your 'interior design expertise and consultation'. Your check is in the mail.......

(I especially love this photo in LARGE)

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