The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

Cross. Cross? I was livid!

I wasn't really, just a little miffed: I got an email from Time Out magazine asking if the could use any of my hang gliding shots in a forthcoming publication. They wanted high res, quote, "press (free)" shots and wouldn't be paying but would give a credit and my website address. I was a bit rude back to them which didn't go down very well but they did reply and ask (now!) for me to give them a price. So I did and they seem to be at least willing to still look at some low res images to choose from and that I would need to invoice them upon going to press etc etc.
To anyone reading this - Never let any commercial organisation use your photos for a by-line! They are just trying to make a buck. But why should you subsidise anyone?
On a completely different tack, if you are interested in this great big universe that we inhabit and you have 45 minutes to spare, listen again to Stardust: A love story. Wednesday's afternoon play on Radio 4. Brilliant.

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