Lady La La

By LadyLaLa


How very un-hallowe'en like. Teddies :-o. I'll be blipping kittens next.

I won't actually, I don't have a great relationship with cats, they generally hiss at me.

We are off to a hallowe'en party later this afternoon. You though have a picture of teddies. I have the only kids in the world who will not dress up, will not get their faces painted and won't eat jelly with eyeballs in. What fun they will be later.

The good thing; it's with a load of my girlfriends, so we will all have a drop of wine to help things along, someone I am sure will supervise the apple bobbing, but it won't be me.

I'm home alone all weekend as husband is having a cultural massive piss up in Bratislava. Boys weekend. I haven't heard anything, so I guess he must be having fun.

Or he has been arrested

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