My Wife and her love for the least capable

Anyone who knows her, will know that Mary has never had any problem joining the dots!!
Her series of home visits in Salisbury Lne had meant that she had compiled a list of children needing medical attention. Put this with the fact that a group of American doctors were doing clinics all week at the Rafiki Foundation. Then you get the picture, this picture. Seven children and their parents arrive at the foundation dead on time all triage done thanks to the teachers and carers at Áras Kate, to get personal appointments with two doctors.
What a job well done.
No wonder I've never let her go in 47 years!!
Most of the illnesses will be fine with medication, but sadly one little boy has a serious hernia and without immediate surgery it will become infected and he will die. Death is frequent here for under fives even from simple things like diarhoea.
Mary is on it but it may cost over 500 Euros!

The doctors in Rafiki couldn't have been more helpful

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