Fings wot I see

By dominic

Waiting waiting waiting

A long trip back today, have now been up for 42 hours :(
Flight back was not the best, incredibly rude man in front of me managed to knock my fresh coffee on to my lap, and the best he could do was to stare at me uncomfortably before going to sleep, he then continued to fart the most foul smelling awfulness in our direction for 11 hours. So I had scolding burns to my favorite areas which after a few minutes became icy cold wet. I honestly did consider stabbing him in the head with my plastic fork, we had 11 hours, I'm quite sure I could have made a respectable shiv in that time.
Took this in Doha, where they hurried us out of the departure lounge and then kept us in this tiny room and on the shuttle bus for about an hour.
Will stop complaining now, going to try and stay awake for another 2+12 hours to try and get back into UK time. Wish me luck!

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