Alia Iacta Est

By iactaest

Orion the hunter rises over the Loch

Orion is the legendary great hunter of the Greek mythology. It was said he was the most beautiful of men and the most skillfull of hunters. Unfortunately Orion accepted this praise with utter confidence it was true, and then some. He began boasting of his skills, claiming to have total superiouity over all creatures. Quite naturally, this annoyed the gods that be and they decided to punish him for his greatly inflated ego. Firmly believing in capitol punishment, the gods sent Scorpius, the scorpion was to earth to sting Orion's foot, and kill him. Diana, an admirer of Orion (and his ego) implored the gods to place the great hunter in the sky to remember him by. This they agreed to, so long as they also placed the scorpion there to warn against such nasty crimes as ego. In Orion's last dying breaths he begged not to be placed near the scorpion. And so, Orion dominates the winter skies while Scorpius' domain is the summer skies.

Do we believe our own myths about ourselves ?
What stories do we tell that raise the self to the skies ?

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