Life with Gaia

By happyyoga


Today we had a quiet linner (lunch and dinner at tea time...LOL) at the restaurant at the hotel, on the beach, where Ed first proposed to me some 25 or 26 years ago. I actually put on a dress, and somehow Mom and I ended up quite color coordinated. It was great to be together. It was the first time we'd gone out for Thanksgiving in decades, but the kids are all out of town, and we know there will be plenty of activity in the kitchen when they are all here for Christmas.

The same handsome fellow who got our car for us 20+ years ago was there to fetch it today also. He has not aged however. How is it that I have aged 20 years and he still looks like a baby?

I decided to not be freaky about being a vegetarian (mostly) and had a bite or two of duck and turkey, and I have to say I do prefer tofu. Also, I am sorry...but how can anyone ruin broccoli? We had a lovely time and the conversation was great, but agreed we could go years before needing to go out to eat again. I loved the white bread and all the sugary treats, but I bet I will be paying for that tomorrow.
Sometimes I really miss the natural food restaurants up north.

So...tonight I start a diet. It is that or I will have to buy larger clothing, and that is a no no no! Great time of year to begin a diet...hrrmph...

There is something about this commercial that totally cracks me up. The one called "sammies". It is how I feel when dieting, though I certainly don't look like the gal in the commercial, and I don't eat that kind of food.

And episode of Californication and off to bed.

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