Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

The little pump' that Halloween forgot

He's the little pump' that Halloween forgot
And goodness knows he didn't want a lot
I'm so sorry for that pumpky
He hasn't got a haty
The little pump' that Halloween forgot

I love this tree in our neighbour's garden. Actually, it's pretty much the only lovely tree on our avenue.

All the pretty fairies and angels came out for yesterday's Halloween shoot so today is SOOC. Why mess with beautiful nature hey.

I think I have laryngitis or just a hugely sore throat. I'm not talking today and decided to fingerspell words to Reuben, that is using the signs for ABC... to spell out words. I spelt out STOP, RED, YELLOW, CAR, CAT, DOG, PEN, GLUE all of which Reuben fingerspelt or signed the word sign for and spoke back to me. Now that's incredible! I knew he could read a few words which leaves me hugely excited, similar to those words above, but to "read" the letters of my fingerspelt signs and sign back the full word back is just astounding for my little 3 year old miracle.

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