Life is there for living.

By Jumumford

Scary Halloween Haunt @ Althorpe

Long entry... Sorry!

What an eventful day. Rachel & I went over to Althorpe for the geocaching event. They released 13 caches at 2.30pm which took you on a trail through Northamptonshire countryside. The caches were all themed "Halloween style" ie: rats, snakes, skulls etc.

A quick dash home, bite to eat then we collected "Shaikhup" for part two...... Caching in the dark.

Well, what a laugh! It was actually quite scary. Torches on we set out to retrieve the 8 caches.

1. Rats!!! Hanging behind a lampost. (some caching geek with his "head lamp on" was a bit feaky!

2. We got lost!! Going across fields in the dark, unable to see the footpath! We heard a noise and Megan shone her torch to see what is was... We all screamed as the torch pointed to a huge BULL!! only 15ft from us! We made that much noise that a bat flew out from the woods and scared Meg! Lol

3. Couple of easy caches. Finding huge plastic spiders and lifelike snakes in the dark was amusing.

4. Best part!! This cache was a full size coffin in some spooky woods! We were apprehensive about opening it as we knew someone would be inside. There was a dead person (dummy) inside with a book on top of him. This is where the log book was. We were all screaming though!!!

5. A bat, a skull, another HUGE Rat!!

6. Final cache took us through the graveyard. Lisa didn't want to do it, but we persuaded her. I tripped and fell over a gravestone! Ouch. The others just laughed. In amongst the ivy on the wall was a severed hand, holding a geocache. Cool way to end the hunt.

We ended back at the pub for a quick drink and chat with our fellow cachers.

A great day and I will certainly do it again next year!

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